Meditate to Activate with Reiki, Sound Healing, and CBD

Elevate, Expand and Energize your Body, Mind, and Spirit through the combination of sacred ancient healing practices and plant medicine during this CBD Infused Reiki & Soundbath session.

CBD is an acronym for Cannabidiol, an active chemical compound that is found in the cannabis plant. It has been proven to have many uses and health benefits, such as helping treat anxiety, depression, convulsions, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, and inflammation, among other things.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that clears emotional and energetic blockages and promotes deep healing on the physical and energetic levels.

Soundbaths use various instruments (crystal quartz bowls, gongs, chimes, etc.) to create vibrations that resonate with the earth’s frequencies directing light into our bodies to aid in the healing process. These sound waves help slow down the frequencies in the mind to a Theta or Delta state, similar to a sleep state. The result will allow you to sink deeper into a meditative state and turn off the mind chatter.

When you combine these three healing modalities, you experience a state of meditative bliss. The CBD acts as a catalyst to reach a calm & relaxed state quicker, making it easier to remain in that state. At the same time, the reiki and sound vibrations resonate throughout the body to release physical and emotional tension.

Haven’t tried CBD before? This is the perfect opportunity to try it out!

CBD is non-psychoactive. Meaning it does not create the mind-altering “high” intoxication effects like THC.

CBD does not directly stimulate the cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2 like THC does. The “high” effect is caused when THC binds to CB1, the most abundant protein receptor in the brain and central nervous system.

*For more information on CBD, explore