Reiki for Nervous System Regulation

Nervous system regulation allows you to maintain homeostasis, access restorative sleep, decrease inflammation, and is involved in memory, learning, controlling sensory processing, and more. 

Reiki for Nervous System Regulation Have you heard of Autonomic Nervous System? Your ANS is comprised of two specific systems: the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS).SNS is the part of your body tied to your “flight or fight” response. The PNS is the part that is focused on the relaxed and restorative aspects of your body. Both are very important, and both control or support aspects of our bodies ability to function.For instance, If you are constantly on the go, running to your job, to your family, your commitments, and deadlines. Your whole body is almost constantly in a “flight or fight” mode. The Sympathetic Nervous System is on overdrive.I am always surprised by how often a client does not realize that he or she is predominantly stuck in the “flight or fight” mode. Once we have done a relaxation technique, usually the person realizes the difference. The body finally relaxes, tension or aches are released, and the person can begin to think more clearly and calmly about life and various issues or concerns. This is when the person’s Parasympathetic Nervous System has taken over from the Sympathetic Nervous System.The Parasympathetic Nervous System is known as “the rest and digest” state. It is the connection to a calmer, peaceful, and more relaxed you. Most people relate it to how they feel after a Reiki Session. You might also feel this after meditation, a yoga session, being out in nature, or even after a moment of silence or prayer.Both SNS and PNS are needed in our daily lives. One protects us and gets us going, while the other allows our body & mind to rest and restore. If one system is working more than the other, the body begins to express it through physical signs and symptoms. Here are the specific physical signs, symptoms, or conditions that you might experience if one system is out of balance.When you are in your PNS state, you are able to release tension in your muscles (fewer headaches or body aches), able to have your digestion working properly, and your elimination system works better for both urination and bowel movements.Conversely, when you are in your SNS state, your body is able to have the energy and stamina to get going with the day’s activities. The SNS also gets our body moving internally too.Both PNS and SNS are critical to our overall health. The trick is in learning how to balance them, ensuring that we include both in our daily lives.What helps connect with the PNS outside of your Reiki Treatments? * Meditation* Guided Imagery* Yoga* Being in Nature* Chakra Balancing* Exercise (In most cases)* Massage* Breath Work* Journaling***Sound Baths are great too! ( PS- I am offering one tomorrow night, 4/25/22-7:30pm @ Shuniya Yoga Collective There are so many ways to connect with the PNS. The above listing is meant as a sampling of possibilities but explore what fits you best. Tap into your restorative state by booking your next Reiki session.May you be happy, healthy, and full of LOVE!